Title 19 Lawyers – Colchester CT

Title 19 Lawyers Colchester CT
Rely on The Prue Law Group, P.C. when you need experienced Title 19 Lawyers Colchester CT. As a trusted local law firm serving Eastern Connecticut, we handle important elder law issues, both legal and financial. We offer assistance in all aspects of Elder Law, preparing clients for end of life scenarios. With the assistance of The Prue Law Group, you can plan for long-term services and supports should you become unable to care for yourself due to physical and/or mental health conditions.

Connecticut Title 19 is a safety net for end of life nursing home care. Qualifying for Title 19 takes planning. To obtain Title 19, one must go through a lengthy application process. At The Prue Law Group, we help you understand the process and help you qualify for benefits. We help clients plan and prepare for Title 19 applications. We draft Title 19 applications and ensure approval and acceptance of our clients into the Title 19 Assistance Program.

The cost of an extended stay in a nursing home is out of reach for the average family. The unprepared are forced to spend their life savings on end of life care. When you find that Medicare and private insurance do not support the long term services and supports you need for every day life, your only recourse may be CT Title 19. However, that will take some advance planning and asset management. The application process is lengthy tedious, and confusing. An incorrectly filed application may result in rejection. The Prue Law Group will unravel the confusion associated with qualifying for benefits.  Call the Title 19 lawyers at The Prue Law Group today at (860) 423-9231.


Title 19 Lawyers | Colchester CT | The Prue Law Group, P.C.