Divorce Lawyers Woodstock CT


Are you looking for the most experienced divorce lawyers Woodstock CT? The Prue Law Group is an eastern Connecticut law firm with over 35 years success in the region. Ending your marriage is unsettling and emotional for everyone in your family. Filing for divorce is the first step, but not the only consideration. There will be estate planning paperwork to draft before your divorce is finalized. Any existing property, wills, investments, bank accounts and insurance policies must be addressed. In Connecticut, a divorce may invalidate an existing will or previous estate plan. At Prue Law, we recommend our clients draft or redraft their wills while the divorce is pending. Our legal team can handle your divorce as well as any estate planning documents you need.

Another important consideration when divorcing is your beneficiary designations. Any designation of a spouse as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, annuity contract, or other contractual agreement must be changed. Payable on death accounts include savings and checking accounts, investment plans, retirement and life insurance policies. These are fairly easy to update, especially when you are sole owner of the account.

Drafting your will and estate plan prior to the finalization of the divorce avoids any questions concerning inheritance, assets, personal property, life insurance. The ex-spouse must be removed from financial and medical Power of Attorney documents. Take the time to agree on estate matters related to your children, and ensure you name guardians should something happen to both of you. Naming a guardian for your children in your will allows your wishes to be heard. The attorneys at The Prue Law Group, PC are here to guide you through the unsettling, emotional time of divorce. When Legal Matters….Call The Prue Law Group today at (860) 423-9231.


Divorce Lawyers | Woodstock CT | The Prue Law Group, P.C.