Real Estate Attorney Colchester CT

Real Estate Attorney Colchester CT

If you are looking for a trustworthy real estate attorney near Colchester CT, then contact The Prue Law Group, P.C. The Prue Law Group, P.C. is available to assist and lead you through the entire Real Estate transaction, both residential and commercial. With over four decades of knowledge and experience, you can trust us to lead you through the complicated process to a satisfactory result.

The Prue Law Group, P.C.’s Experience in Real Estate Include:

  • Representing Buyers & Sellers in all types of residential and commercial transactions
  • Identifying Sources of Financing
  • Creating Limited Liability Companies to protect the owner and/or landlord from certain exposure.
  • Creating Estate Plans to help protect, conserve, and pass on land assets
  • Handling Zoning and Subdivision Matters
  • Attending to Foreclosures

We take pride in the excellent service we offer our clients. Our attorneys and paralegals explain the process, answer questions, and provide necessary forms, ensuring that our client’s needs are met. We always strive to make the real estate process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

The Prue Law Group, P.C.

The attorneys and paralegals at The Prue Law Group, P.C. pride themselves on their client service skills. We take the time to explain the necessary steps, the expected timeline, and the information necessary to our clients. It’s our goal to make the real estate process as seamless and stress-free as possible, always keeping our client’s best interests in mind.

The Prue Law Group P.C. believes that the quality of our services is essential to the success of our clients. We are committed to providing expert legal guidance as well as providing clear and accurate information so that all parties can understand what they are getting into, whether they are seeking financial advice or business consulting. The Prue Law Group, P.C. advocates a team approach to the practice of law. Together, our attorneys form a cohesive team, enabling them to deal with almost any legal situation our clients may encounter in the most expeditious and cost-effective manner.

We have three welcoming offices throughout the state of Connecticut. We look forward to assisting you with all of your real estate needs.

Willimantic Office

720 Main Street

Willimantic, CT  06226

Telephone: (860) 423-9231

Brooklyn Office

7 Putnam Place

Brooklyn, CT 06234

Telephone: (860) 423-9231

Coventry Office

2181 Boston Turnpike

Coventry, CT 06238

Telephone: (860) 423-9231

Meet with a real estate attorney at one of our offices by calling (860) 423-9231 today!

Real Estate Attorney | near Colchester CT | The Prue Law Group, P.C.


If keeping Mom and Dad comfortably at home as they age is the goal, then you and other family
members may end up spending a considerable amount of time caring for them.
As parents age, they increasingly rely on family members to help them remain at home. They may need
help shopping for groceries, getting to doctor’s appointments, picking up prescriptions, paying their bills,
performing household chores, and taking care of other day to day activities. This family assistance
allows many parents to remain comfortably at home as they age, rather than being forced to move into
a costly nursing facility.

If you are the one caring for your aging parents, you may not seek or even expect compensation for the
care you are providing, because after all, your parents took care of you when you were young, so now
it’s your turn to take care of them. However, as you and other family members are sacrificing time from
work or working reduced hours to provide care, your parents may give you cash or other property in
compensation. Unfortunately, these gestures of appreciation may render your parents ineligible for Title
XIX/Medicaid benefits should they require more care than family members are able to provide and they
run out of funds to afford this care.

Caregiver compensation is frequently the subject of great scrutiny when applying for Title XIX/Medicaid
benefits because transfers of money or property can subject an applicant to periods of ineligibility of
benefits, also known as “penalty periods,” unless the applicant can show by clear and convincing
evidence that he or she received fair market value for the money or property transferred. A Personal
Care Agreement is an effective tool to overcome this obstacle.
What is a Personal Care Agreement? It is a written contract between the parent, who is the beneficiary
of care, and you, as well as the other family members, who are caring for the parent. The agreement
defines the type of care the parent requires and the rate and frequency of the compensation paid to the
caregiver family members. As the agreement is in writing, it is documented evidence that the parent
received fair market value for the money or property transferred to caregiver family members,
reviewable as part of a Title XIX/Medicaid application.

The Personal Care Agreement may prevent the imposition of devastating penalty periods if your
parents’ care needs increase to the point they need additional help, at home or in a nursing facility, and
they require Title XIX/Medicaid long-term care benefits to pay for this expensive care.

To schedule an appointment with an attorney at The Prue Law Group to discuss whether a Personal Care
Agreement makes sense for your family, call (860) 423-9231.

Personal Injury Attorneys Colchester CT

Personal Injury Attorneys in Colchester CT

If you’re searching for personal injury attorneys in Colchester, CT, then check out The Prue Law Group, P.C. today. Our team of highly-skilled lawyers has been serving the Colchester community and nearby towns for years. Our clients know that when they work with us, not only are they getting top-quality care, but our team will fight for their rights. It is essential to understand all of your options if you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence. Injuries are the leading cause of death among CT residents between the ages of 1 and 44 years and the fifth leading cause for all ages.

In Connecticut, injuries are responsible for 41% of all deaths between the ages of 1 and 44 years of age, 30% of all deaths of children and youth between the ages of 1 and 14 years and over 72% of all deaths among teens and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 years. (CDC Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System – WISQARS™)Because of this, we strongly suggest speaking to our team sooner rather than later. Many times, injuries are unpredictable. When you need help with filing a claim, call The Prue Law Group today.


When you choose to work with our team of attorneys, you can rest assured knowing we are fighting for the fair settlement you deserve. Moreover, our team will handle your case with urgency and a sense of compassion. If you work with us, then you become like family. Our legal team completes a thorough investigation, speaks with medical providers and doctors, assesses the damages, and always shows up as your advocate.


After an injury, it’s not unusual for an insurance agent to contact you. They do this to try and settle with you outside of court. It’s important to note, that when this happens, the insurance company is looking out for their best interest, not yours. We urge you to contact our team at The Prue Law Group and have a professional look over your case before accepting any kind of settlement.

Connecticut permits a person to go to civil court and seek compensation for numerous losses associated with the injury. It’s important to note, you only have a window of 2 years to file a lawsuit. Because this is a fairly large window of time, it’s crucial to keep detailed records and seek legal advice. If a judge rules in your favor and determines you qualified for compensation, then the negligent party will have to reimburse you for all medical treatments. In addition, they may also have to cover lost wages and injuries.

To conclude, contact The Prue Law Group, P.C. when you’re in need of personal injury Attorneys in Colchester, CT. With over 35 years of expansive knowledge, we promise to always keep your best interest at heart. Call us now at (860) 423-9231 or visit our website for more information.


Personal Injury Attorneys in Colchester CT

What is the difference between a Conservatorship and a Power of Attorney?

No one wants to think about what happens when they can no longer manage their own
financial affairs or take care of themselves on a daily basis. But the time to think of those
things is before they are needed. Family members should be aware of the options available
and their benefits and impacts. Powers of Attorney and Conservatorships are the most

Power of Attorney

Powers of Attorney are established by a person who thinks ahead for when they may need
help making decisions, either for a limited time or for a specific reason. The appointing
person, while still competent, can supervise and manage the appointed POA, can remove
that POA and appoint another, or terminate the POA altogether. One problem with only
having a POA is when the individual appointing that POA no longer can supervise that POA.
That individual can no longer make decisions to remove or amend the POA and with no
supervision, the POA may not always act in the best interest, especially when money is
involved. While there are steps in place to oversee the Power of Attorney through the court,
the process can be time-consuming, expensive, and on many occasions destructive to the
family relationship.


Conservatorships come in two forms: voluntary and involuntary. In the first, the court acts
on a request of the individual to appoint a personally chosen Conservator to manage the
financial, personal, and/or medical matters. The court must find the applicant to be
competent and aware of this decision and will oversee the chosen Conservator’s actions.
The main difference between a Voluntary Conservator and a Power of Attorney is the
immediate direct involvement and oversight of the Court.

An involuntary appointment occurs when an individual has lost the capacity to make decisions
for themselves. The Court will then make the decision on whom to appoint as Conservator
as well as oversee all their actions. Smart planning by individuals will designate an
Involuntary Conservators while they are still capable of making such decisions.
Planning ahead is always best. Having control and a say in how your finances or how you
will be cared for, and choosing that Power of Attorney or Conservator should provide
some peace of mind not only for you but for your family.

If you need assistance with a Power of Attorney or Conservatorship, call The Prue Law Group.


Ice Cream……so many flavors, so many choices, so much fun!!! Not the same
when it comes to settling an estate. Only so many questions. Do I need to go
to Probate Court, what assets do I report, how do I pay bills, and what bills am I required to pay???

The best place to start is to determine whether or not the deceased individual
has a will as this will be the guide to distributing assets and paying expenses.
Next, one should compile a list of all assets owned by the decedent, whether
sole-owned or with another individual. This information will form the basis of
the type of probate necessary.

A full probate of a person’s estate will require notification of all heirs and
beneficiaries, filing an inventory, a list of claims against the estate, a state
inheritance tax return, an accounting of all financial actions taken, and a final
distribution, just to name a few of the documents. And all this depends on
what the decedent’s assets are, and how they are held, solely owned or jointly
owned. And just to add to the confusion, there is another method of probate,
an Affidavit of Administration, that doesn’t require as much paperwork and
can be settled in a shorter time frame. Now there is a third method of probate,
and that occurs when all assets are jointly owned by a survivor. This is a
Tax Purposes Only (a TPO Estate). Assets such as bank accounts, life
insurance policies, and stocks can usually be transferred without Probate
Court involvement.

However, if real property is jointly owned, then
Connecticut requires the filing of a state inheritance tax return in order to
properly clear title to the real property putting it in the survivor’s name alone,
an important detail when it comes to refinancing or mortgaging or selling that
real property.

All of this can be quite confusing and there are many steps where mistakes
can happen making the whole process even more complicated and confusing.
The Prue Law Group is experienced in all aspects of probating an estate.
When Legal Matters, Call The Prue Law Group.

Elder Care Lawyers in Woodstock CT

Elder Care Lawyers in Woodstock CT

Are you searching for elder care lawyers in Woodstock, CT? Check out The Prue Law Group, P.C. to not only protect your rights but steer you in the right direction. Our team of professionals at The Prue Law Group has been delivering high-quality, dependable law services for over 3 decades to our community of Woodstock, and adjoining towns. It is our top priority to get you the justice that you deserve. It’s possible that you’ve never heard about elder care lawyers, but we’re going to change that today. You’ll be in a tough spot if you wait until you need it. Learning about this area of law before you or your family needs it will better protect you in the long run.

What Is Elder Law?

First and foremost, elder law is the specialized area of law that focuses exclusively on the legal needs of elderly individuals. Moreover, it focuses on legal issues regarding senior citizens and even their parents. At The Prue Group, our team of elder care lawyers is ready to help you.

It’s sad to say, but the legal matters that often affect seniors are governed by complex rules and regulations. It is important to note, that elder law addresses the various decisions and possibilities that can occur later in life. Most importantly, it also helps specify how your estate plan will be handled after you pass away.

How Can We Help?

Thankfully, our team at The Prue Law Group can assist in all areas of elder law. Not only are we compassionate but we promise to always have your best interests at heart. If you are up against matters concerning elder law, please seek professional help. We can also assist you when it comes to helping figure out long-term care. Unfortunately, the costs associated with staying in a nursing home are just not possible for most households. Failing to plan ahead could mean that you end up spending your entire life savings on your end-of-life care. At The Prue Law Group, we can help you adequately prepare for when this time in your life comes.

If you have any questions or concerns about elder care, we urge you to call us today at (860) 423-9231. We look forward to helping you navigate this time in your life, and you can rest assured that we will do everything we can to set you up for success. For additional information, please visit our website.

Elder Care Lawyers in Woodstock CT

Personal Injury Attorneys in Putnam CT

Personal Injury Attorneys in Putnam CT

If you are searching for personal injury attorneys in Putnam, CT, check out The Prue Law Group, P.C. today. Our team of highly-skilled lawyers has been serving the Putnam community and adjoining towns for years. Our clients know that when they work with us, not only are they getting top-quality care, but our team will fight for their rights. Particularly, our Attorney Evelina M. Ruszkowski is a dedicated attorney who is well-educated in personal injury law. It is essential to understand all of your options if you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence. Because of this, we strongly suggest speaking to our team sooner rather than later.


When you choose to work with our team of attorneys, you can rest assured that we will fight for the fair settlement you deserve. Moreover, our team will handle your case with urgency and a sense of compassion. When you work with us, you become like family. Our legal team will complete a thorough investigation, speak with medical providers and doctors, assess the damages, and will always show up as your advocate.


It is not unusual for an insurance agency to contact you after an injury. The reason they do this is to settle with you out of court. It is important to note, that when this happens, the insurance company is looking out for their best interest, not yours. We urge you to contact our team at The Prue Law Group and have a professional look over your case before accepting any kind of settlement.

The best thing about personal injury law in Connecticut is that it permits a person to go to civil court and seek compensation for numerous losses associated with the injury. It’s important to note, that the window to file a lawsuit is two years. Because this is a fairly large window of time, it is crucial to not only keep detailed records but seek legal advice too. If a judge rules in your favor and determines that you are qualified for compensation, the negligent party will have to reimburse you for all medical treatments. In addition, they may also have to cover lost wages and injuries.

To conclude, contact The Prue Law Group, P.C. when you are in need of personal injury Attorneys in Putnam, CT. With over 35 years of expansive knowledge, we promise to always keep your best interest at heart. Call us now at (860) 423-9231 or visit our website for more information.


Personal Injury Attorneys in Putnam CT

Personal Injury Attorneys in Sterling CT

Personal Injury Attorneys in Sterling CT

If you are in need of dependable personal injury attorneys in Sterling, CT, look no further than The Prue Law Group, P.C. When you choose to work alongside us, you can rest assured that we have your best interests at heart. Our team works diligently to handle every case with a sense of empathy and urgency. We promise that if you’ve been injured, we will fight to get you everything that you are entitled to. When you work with our team of lawyers at The Prue Law Group, you become a member of our family. Read on as we discuss how exactly we can help with your case.


If you’ve been involved in an accident, it’s likely that insurance companies will reach out to you. It is important to note, that their main priority is to settle with you outside of a courtroom. When this happens, remember that they are looking out for themselves – not you. Before you accept any kind of settlement from them, it’s a good idea to have one of our attorneys look over your case. Furthermore, personal injury allows a person to go to civil court and collect compensation for losses suffered because of an accident.

There is a two-year lawsuit filing deadline in place in the state of Connecticut. Be sure to keep track of everything from medical records to lost wages. Without a doubt, the more detailed your records are, the better. If a judge rules in your favor, you could be reimbursed for injuries, lost wages, and your medical treatments. Having documentation to prove your losses is crucial in order to get full compensation.

To conclude, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have been a victim of a personal injury. Before you accept a settlement from an insurance company, give us a call. You can rest assured that our team of lawyers will fight to get you everything you deserve. If you are looking for a dependable, highly skilled team of personal injury lawyers, call us today. Request a consultation now by calling (860) 423-9231. Additionally, please feel free to visit our website if you would like to explore the other services that we provide. We look forward to your call and the opportunity to help you with your personal injury needs.

Personal Injury Attorneys in Sterling CT

Estate Planning Attorney Thompson CT

Estate Planning Lawyers Thompson CT

Are you looking for Estate Planning Lawyers in Thompson CT? If so, you’ve come to the right place. At The Prue Law Group, P.C., we’ll provide you with the guidance and support you need. Our goal is to help you make the best decisions possible to protect your loved ones. We understand this can be a complicated process, but we’re here to assist.

Protect Yourself and Loved Ones

No one likes to think about death, however, estate planning is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself and loved ones. The Prue Law Group has over 2 decades of experience in estate planning. Our attorneys can help you draft a will that ensures your wishes are carried out properly after your death. Also, we can update your will if circumstances change.  When it comes to estate planning, there are many factors to take into account. If you’re looking for help with the process, then we are here to assist. Whether you’re just starting out, or need assistance with a more complex plan, then our professionals can provide the guidance you need.

At The Prue Law Group, our estate planning lawyers handle your case seriously. Our concierge service is the highest level of service we offer. It represents our commitment to providing excellent estate planning advice and services. With this service, you’ll work one-on-one with a Prue Law Group professional who will help you create an estate plan that meets your unique needs. Whatever your situation may be, our concierge service can help protect your loved ones and assets. We know you’ve worked hard for your assets. You’ve worked hard to earn every dollar, and you deserve to protect them. That’s why at The Prue Law Group, P.C., we make this our primary focus. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Trusts and Estates in Thompson CT

To continue, our estate planning lawyers in Thompson CT help all our clients and families develop estate plans to ensure their assets benefit whom they intend to in the best way possible. We bring a mix of institutional knowledge and inventive strategies to counsel a wide range of clients. Among these includes business owners, investors, entrepreneurs, executives, artists, and more. Our attorneys help structure clients’ financial affairs, draft and prepare wills, trusts, and any other documents necessary to implement estate plans. Assets can range from publicly and privately-owned businesses, real property to intellectual property, rights in music, plays and novels, and from airplanes to valuable artwork. Our estate planning lawyers have earned a high reputation in Thompson CT, as well as the rest of the state. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation.


Estate Planning Lawyers Thompson CT | The Prue Law Group

Elder Law Lawyers in Vernon CT

Elder Law Lawyers in Vernon CT

If you are looking for an experienced team of elder law lawyers in Vernon, CT, look no further than The Prue Law Group, P.C. The elder law lawyers at The Pure Law Group are committed to assisting seniors and their families with various legal issues. Nobody understands better than us the issues that older adults can face. Most importantly, we are here to help! From Medicaid applications, and estate planning, to long-term care planning, we can help. We have been providing services to clients in Vernon and surrounding towns for many years and we are proud to be of assistance.

Elder Law – What Is It?

To put it simply, elder law focuses particularly on seniors’ legal matters. Our team at The Prue Law Group covers a wide range of services including incapacity and health decisions to retirement concerns and estate planning. Chances are you have elderly family members who are approaching or already in retirement. Furthermore, it’s crucial to fully understand elder law so you can make sure that their safety and financial security are protected. The best decision you can make is to talk to our team of lawyers now. We can help assess needs and create a strategy to cover them all.

Why Choose The Prue Law Group?

At The Pure Law Group, our specialty is Elder Law. Nothing makes us happier than assisting our elderly clients to understand the legal system. We will work diligently to protect your best interests. Whether you need help with Medicaid planning or long-term care assistance, you can depend on us. We have a team of highly skilled lawyers who are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care.

Thank you for reading our latest blog on elder law lawyers in Vernon, CT. We hope that we have eased your mind when it comes to tackling elder law. The process can be tricky to navigate, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Trust our skilled team to lead you in the right direction and get you the best possible outcomes in any circumstance. Our services range from estate planning to Medicaid assistance and so much in between. Do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions. We are available when you need us at (860) 423-9231. We are ready to help you when the time is right. If you would like to see the other services we offer our clients, take a look at our website today.


Elder Law Lawyers in Vernon CT